Antioxidants—Pure Healing Energy

Clean Eating
Antioxidants—Pure Healing Energy

When I think about antioxidants, I think about generosity and a deep-rooted, natural healing energy that starts at the molecular level. 

In the simplest terms, cell damage is what ages us. Environmental stressors and pollutants produce free-radicals, which, in turn, poach electrons from our cellular structures, altering biological functions and causing disrepair. Antioxidants, however, are nature’s gift, molecules found in healing plants which freely replace those essential electrons, inhibiting disruptive oxidation within our cells. Nature’s abundance of healing free-radical fighters is one of the pillars of holistic medicine. 

You’ve heard about antioxidant rich, nutrient dense natural foods—like blueberries, nuts and dark leafy greens—each known for its ability to renew cellular balance. From an energetic standpoint, these foods have an especially high frequency, tremendously boosting the body’s chi, its life force. Food prepared with loving hands and with gratitude impart a high vibration. Chemical-free fruits and vegetables that are harvested ripe and eaten raw, conserving their full life energy, have a high vibration. Processed sugars, and overly refined foods, do not. 

As the body’s environmental barrier, skin encounters new oxidizing agents every day. And in my own work, the collection’s Antioxidant Crème was created to meet those challenges, combining a mega-dose of precious and potent botanical antioxidants, including Lavender, Carrot Seed and essence of Orange Blossom, to prolong cellular longevity, growth and vitality. 

The body, however, also produces its own antioxidants, another healing source that can be strengthened with energetic support. In fact, medical research has shown that meditation has the power to boost the body’s antioxidant production. And when stress dissipates, cellular deterioration is slowed, and aging is reversed. 

So many forces join in carrying us towards holistic balance. Sometimes the beauty of nature’s generosity simply astounds me. 

Image: Lawrence Rayner/Flickr

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