So often in the treatment room clients are excited to learn all about a new trend—how many minutes of infrared per day is just right? Is supplemental collagen a good idea? Does foam rolling or breath work really make a difference? But while we have so much to gain from all of these wellness boosting techniques, there is no substitute for ease and calm.
Living day-to-day with less stress is the best way to support your happiness, health and your glowing skin, too. Less stress supports better sleep, cognitive agility, vibrant relationships and our overall sense of gratitude and wellbeing. For me, it’s the foundation that makes everything else possible.
One of the simple ways I like to support the practices that help me dissolve stress—my movement practices and meditation—is by using formulations to help create that shift naturally. Plant Milk Serum, for one, is blended with an array of ancient herbal remedies known to calm and protect the skin, including White Lily, Mountain Arnica and Matricia.
As we glide into a new season, I invite you to find peace, and to let the rest come with ease.
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