Free & Clear

Holistic Living

Just as you might enjoy the easy feeling of stepping into a room that’s tidy and clutter-free, energetic space-clearing invites a fresh, bright energy into the spaces where we work and live, and, ultimately, into our lives.

For thousands of years, different forms of space-clearing, including the Chinese harmonic system feng shui, have been preformed by various traditional cultures. Every day, people generate the kind of etheric debris that can build up, leaving behind an energetic residue. The art of space-clearing revitalizes the flow of vibrant energy, clearing out stagnancy in the places where we spend our days.

Naturally, physically de-cluttering your living or working space is a wonderful start. Then, with a simple sound instrument, such as a bell, chime or gong, you might take a walk through your space, using sound vibrations to loosen up any stagnant, burdensome or stuck energy you find, leaving a window slightly cracked as an outlet for the staleness. Most Western architecture doesn’t accommodate a natural sense of energetic flow, and most Western-designed buildings contain plenty of areas where energy can get trapped. In the spirit of out with the old and in with the new, this simple, symbolic cleansing helps us let go of what’s no longer useful.

Next, set an intention, calling in the energy you wish to receive in your cleared space, recirculating through with a soothing invitation, perhaps lighting a candle, setting out fresh flowers, or enlivening the air with a drop or two of a favorite scent. (Bulgarian Rose perfectly welcomes beautiful new beginnings.)

Maintaining our living and working spaces in this way is essential to the free movement of our creative life force, and to our wellbeing. In this way, with loving attention and clear intention, we make room on every level for a fantastically fresh new wave of creativity and openness to enter our living spaces and our lives.

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