Q: What’s the most effective way to slow the aging process?
TAMMY WRITES: Almost every day in the treatment room, I speak with my clients about holistic strategies for slowing the aging process. No matter what might have brought them into the Spa, this is everyone’s number one topic! What I can share with you is my simple rule of care: we must prioritize longterm goals over quick fixes.
Quick fixes do not slow the aging process, and they do not produce longterm results. And, even more than that, deep down, I think we all know that some of these quick processes can, ultimately, damage the skin. Over many years I’ve learned that caring for aging skin is lifestyle based, and it’s about the small, consistent ways we tend to body, mind and spirit. I know we all want to look ten years younger! Once you are in your late 30s to early 40s, the skin starts to slow down. We want to give it every opportunity to thrive.
Here are some of my favorite ways to optimize the skin’s radiant potential:
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