Dear Friends,
Every day I’m amazed by the healthful discoveries—and rediscoveries—happening all around us, each supporting a different aspect of realizing a holistic lifestyle. It certainly is a different world than the one in which I began my work in holistic healing, over 25 years ago now. But there’s one aspect of holistic health that’s often overlooked, and it’s so important to us—it’s the comforting sustenance we receive when we re-connect with nature.
When we experience truly living with the land—feeling connected to the earth through the soles of your bare feet, or letting the beauty of a birdsong vibrate through your cells, or, in smelling a fresh flower, experiencing its raw healing power—in those moments we receive some of life’s biggest gifts. And yet, so often we miss the meeting, the one our souls crave, because, as you and I all know, it only happens in stillness.
Experiencing the beauty of our reconnection to this incredible, rich, joyfully astonishing planet, truly comes when we are quiet—on every level, when the distracting devices are turned off, and the inner chatter is subdued, even if it’s just for a moment. The incredible thing is that when we are silent in this way, with intention, we realize that nature is never silent. It is forever inviting us in. By listening through our own silence, nature can speak directly to the heart, no translation needed.
This month, and in celebration of Earth Day, we can give ourselves the silent gift of re-connection, allowing the energetic thrill of falling into place to reverberate inside and out. It is our peaceful, powerful truth.
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