How can I cool the skin down in hot weather?
TAMMY WRITES: In the treatment room we often use heating and cooling techniques to revitalize the skin and to soothe irritation. At home, you can create these effects both internally and externally, working in harmony with the heat of the season to support the skin.
Heat can cause the skin to become irritated as it tries to release excess energy. While we all know about the benefits of a quick swim in a cool body of water, or a brisk shower, I also rely on cooling herbal remedies like Peppermint, which is a key component in Purifying Cleansing Gel, and Eucalyptus, which powers Epi-Peel. The clay base in Purifying Luculent Masque helps draw the heat from the skin almost instantly, and portioning your mask into a stone bowl and allowing it to chill in the refrigerator beforehand is an especially wonderful treat.
But working through the diet to create cool is another great practice. In many traditions, including ancient Aryuvedic practice, Citrus fruits support cooling the body. Drinking lemon water eases digestion, which means that the body produces less heat. In addition, eating cooling foods like coconut, melons and cucumbers keeps the body hydrated, as does blending Aloe Vera into smoothies and juices.
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